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Antonio Brown Exposes Himself to Random Guests in Hotel Pool

Former Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antonio Brown is back in the headlines with more bizarre behavior.



Former Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown is back in the headlines for controversial off-field behavior. 

According to the New York Post, Brown made questionable decisions while nude in a hotel pool with a random woman in Dubih back in May. 

The Post reports that Brown was engaging with a female guest in the pool but did not have clothes on. With a crowd of men cheering him on, the former wide receiver proceeded to lift himself out of the water and shove his butt in the woman’s face. 

The story writes the woman then “turns away, laughing off the apparent neutral zone infractions, as other men in the pool begin egging on Brown, yelling ‘Yeah!’ ‘Another one!’ and ‘AB!'”

Afterward, Brown attempted to wrap a scarf around the woman’s head. She then snatched the scarf away from her head, which prompted him to lift her out of the water and slam her head first into the pool “like he was spiking a football”. 

Once she came above the water and cleared her eyes, Brown leaned on the side of the pool and raised his penis above the water. According to The Post, he then asked “you want it?”

According to the report, the woman was upset and complaining after the incident and the hotel asked Brown to leave.

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